Alexia Binggeli
Yoga teacher, pre- and postnatal yoga, couple birth preparation, baby yoga, women’s yoga
Gentle (re)birth and (re)birth care
Activator of the Matrix of Life
Kansu baby and ayurvedic foot massage
Specialized educator
Co-founder of Graines de Vie
Accompaniment and lessons in Biel and surroundings, Tavannes and surroundings, at home
Remote treatments
Other members
- All
- Animation and immersion in nature
- Animation Tao game
- Aromatherapy
- Baby and ayurvedic foot massage
- Baby crying and sleeping workshop
- Baby/children/pregnancy/postnatal yoga
- Birth preparation classes
- Café-Tricot
- Co-founder of Graines de Vie
- Conference/workshop on the female cycle
- Conferences (well-being, emotions, resilience, daring to be yourself)
- Cooking service/Postpartum meal delivery
- Creative workshops
- Cycloshow
- Doula Quantik
- Family support/Doula
- Forces de Vies
- Gentle Rejuvenation" treatment
- Homeopathy
- Hypnonatal
- Individual support
- Kansu (massage)
- Life Matrix Activator
- Lithotherapy
- Maintenance of natural gardens
- Maternae
- Midwife
- Natural Baby Hygiene
- Nutritionist
- Oracle
- Personalized coaching and magnetism
- Philosophy workshops and dialogues for children
- Phytotherapy
- Portage
- Process Communication Model (PCM) trainer
- Rebozo
- Shiatsu Parent/Baby
- Sophrology
- Washable diapers
My name is Alexia, born in 1978, I live in Macolin, in the countryside, with my little family. Two children were born through me, Noa (2006) and Amélie (2008). Education has always interested me, and I made it my first profession. I was mostly in search of how to be and let be who you really are. In this sense, postural yoga, but above all yoga as a path to awakening and liberation, fulfils my deepest aspiration.
This inner journey of transformation shows me how, for most of us, we live more moments outside ourselves than inside, source of life, source of joy.
This desire to return to the Source, to the Self, has also led me to explore the multidimensional being that we are, notably through our sacred and vibratory geometric structure.
So I like to create bubbles of love around me and accompany those whose awakening to themselves calls them.
The accompaniments I offer are designed to help you discover and reveal your true nature… The perfect, united and connected being we already are… And yet, constantly exploring, constantly evolving…