Fabienne Pahud

Prenatal and postnatal carrying
Back carrying
Babywearing and breastfeeding necklace creations
Baby crying and sleep workshop (tummy time, sleep ritual, wrapped bath and more to come)
Rebozo workshops for parents-to-be
Chemin des pêcheurs 21
2535 Frinvillier
078 641 50 12
All these workshops are on request either in Biel, at home or at my home in Frinvillier.
Other members
- All
- Animation and immersion in nature
- Animation Tao game
- Baby and ayurvedic foot massage
- Baby crying and sleeping workshop
- Baby/children/pregnancy/postnatal yoga
- Birth preparation classes
- Café-Tricot
- Co-founder of Graines de Vie
- Conference/workshop on the female cycle
- Conferences (well-being, emotions, resilience, daring to be yourself)
- Cooking service/Postpartum meal delivery
- Creative workshops
- Cycloshow
- Doula Quantik
- Family support/Doula
- Forces de Vies
- Gentle Rejuvenation" treatment
- Homeopathy
- Hypnonatal
- Individual support
- Kansu (massage)
- Life Matrix Activator
- Midwife
- Natural Baby Hygiene
- Nutritionist
- Oracle
- Personalized coaching and magnetism
- Philosophy workshops and dialogues for children
- Portage
- Process Communication Model (PCM) trainer
- Rebozo
- Shiatsu Parent/Baby
- Washable diapers
Biel mother of 3 children, one of whom has Down’s Syndrome. It’s with and thanks to them that my passions were born.
They taught me everything I need to know, and made me want to learn more so that I could pass on this knowledge to others!
I’ve been a babywearing instructor for over 7 years, and I still get the same satisfaction out of passing on this “magical” method.
I have also been sewing for 5 years. I started sewing for my children and then created my own page, La Fée crea’s!
I’ve also been an EMR instructor since 2019.
In 2022, I took a training course on baby crying and sleeping, which inspired me to create several workshops around these themes. I took this course with my 3rd baby, who was only a few months old.
There’s no magic trick to getting baby to sleep through the night. After the workshops, however, you’ll know all about sleep and how to put baby to sleep and calm him down. You’ll find what works for your unique little being.