Isabelle Tomassi

Holistic coach specializing in birth to self and birth into the world
Hypnonatal Practitioner
Process Communication Model (PCM) trainer
Doula Quantik in training
Other members
- All
- Animation and immersion in nature
- Animation Tao game
- Aromatherapy
- Baby and ayurvedic foot massage
- Baby crying and sleeping workshop
- Baby/children/pregnancy/postnatal yoga
- Barter
- Birth preparation classes
- Café-Tricot
- Co-founder of Graines de Vie
- Conference/workshop on the female cycle
- Conferences (well-being, emotions, resilience, daring to be yourself)
- Cooking service/Postpartum meal delivery
- Creative workshops
- Cycloshow
- Doula Quantik
- Family support/Doula
- Forces de Vies
- Gentle Rejuvenation" treatment
- Homeopathy
- Hypnonatal
- Individual support
- Kansu (massage)
- Life Matrix Activator
- Lithotherapy
- Maintenance of natural gardens
- Maternae
- Midwife
- Natural Baby Hygiene
- Nutritionist
- Oracle
- Personalized coaching and magnetism
- Philosophy workshops and dialogues for children
- Phytotherapy
- Portage
- Process Communication Model (PCM) trainer
- Rebozo
- Shiatsu Parent/Baby
- Sophrology
- Washable diapers
I live in Biel, am married to Manuel and have two young children:
Nina born in 2018 and Lenni born in 2021.
For years, I’ve been fascinated by the human being, its many facets and countless facets.
resources, I founded Vibre ta Vie a space for personal and relational growth in 2012.
Prior to that, I worked for more than 15 years in the corporate world, far from coaching and training.
training. During those years, I felt that I wasn’t in the right place, but I wasn’t really in the right place.
what I wanted instead! After a work stoppage, I asked for help.
in order to understand my malaise and free myself from it. This introspection led me to myself
Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) training for my personal development.
It was a real revelation that allowed me to plant the first seeds of my transition.
Thanks to these steps, I became a certified coach. I then
trained in various approaches including therapeutic hypnosis, EFT, Phototherapy, Process
Communication Model (pcm), and I’m currently training with the Quantik
Today, I am a holistic coach & trainer specializing in self-birthing and the
to the world, I accompany sensitive people in their quest for harmony and
women who carry life. I offer individual and group coaching that
invite us to return to the source of who we are, to (re)connect and embrace our inner self.
our sensitivity and power to (re)take our place and contribute to a better world.
softer & more balanced.