Viviane Bähni

Holistic therapist
Tellington-TTouch® certified coach
Animal communication
Energy care and Chromotherapy
Personal development
Author of the Common Sense Oracle
Other members
- All
- Animation and immersion in nature
- Animation Tao game
- Baby and ayurvedic foot massage
- Baby crying and sleeping workshop
- Baby/children/pregnancy/postnatal yoga
- Barter
- Birth preparation classes
- Café-Tricot
- Co-founder of Graines de Vie
- Conferences (well-being, emotions, resilience, daring to be yourself)
- Cooking service/Postpartum meal delivery
- Creative workshops
- Cycloshow
- Doula Quantik
- Family support/Doula
- Forces de Vies
- Gentle Rejuvenation" treatment
- Homeopathy
- Hypnonatal
- Individual support
- Kansu (massage)
- Life Matrix Activator
- Lithotherapy
- Maintenance of natural gardens
- Maternae
- Midwife
- Natural Baby Hygiene
- Nutritionist
- Oracle
- Personalized coaching and magnetism
- Philosophy workshops and dialogues for children
- Portage
- Process Communication Model (PCM) trainer
- Rebozo
- Shiatsu Parent/Baby
- Sophrology
- Washable diapers
- Workshops on topics related to perinatal nutrition
Born in 1963, I quickly fell into the “animal” world.
Even as a child, I wondered about my path, my place and my role in life.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to help the most vulnerable, to make a difference, to contribute to well-being and happiness – for animals and humans alike.
Sometimes rebellious, affected by injustice, the underprivileged and the “misfits”, I felt stuck in boxes from which I didn’t know how to extricate myself.
Administrative assistant, translator, adult educator, and then a consultant in
and job-coach, I have taken a number of training courses in the field of personal
holistic, animal, energy, NVC, emotional intelligence, resilience, etc.
Today, as a mother of 3 daughters with a rich and rewarding career, I feel at home in
putting my knowledge to work for animals and people. Certified coach
Tellington TTouch®, therapist in energy care, magnetism, communication
chromotherapy and personal development, I practise in my office, at home or at your premises.
distance. I also offer workshops and conferences, as well as an oracle, whose
texts and illustrations were created by myself.